
Computing is everywhere in our modern lives. It is driving commerce and job creation, innovation in numerous other fields of science, and changing our daily lives. The discipline of computer science underpins these technological advances. It is critical that K-12 students gain the skills and knowledge that come from studying computer science, however, in Northern Virginia, like many other areas of the country, K-12 computer science is marginalized and students have little access to courses in this area.

To address this challenge this group of individuals committed to forming a chapter for the Computer Science Teachers Association, a globally recognized organization representing K-12 educators, to build a community of expertise, advocates and support to strengthen K-12 computer science education in Northern Virginia.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Additional Updates - Sept. 28

Aspirations in Computing Awards - have your girls apply  - it's a great experience for them and a wonderful community to become a part of!  http://ww2.ncwit.org/award/award.index.php

CS4HS in Virginia - this is a Google sponsored workshop run by Virginia Tech (at their Northern Virginia location) Oct. 26-27.  High school teachers, check it out: http://highschool.cs.vt.edu/


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Update - Sept. 27, 2012

We had a great meeting on Sept. 15 - please check the minutes. 

We have some great opportunities coming up in the near future - read more below:

VA CSTA Workshop - Sept. 28 in Richmond.  http://vacsta.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/csta_brochure.pdf

Bootstrap Workshop - Oct. 20 at GMU. http://bit.ly/bootstrapNV

Apps4VA Competition - ongoing this fall. www.apps4v.org

Virginia Governor's Cup Competition focused on a Cyber Challenge - register by Oct. 15. www.technology.virginia.gov/CyberChallenge/index.cfm

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fall 2012 Updates

Saturday, Sept. 15, 10am - First Meeting of 2012-2013 school year
George Mason University - Nguyen Engineering Building Room 4201 (same location as previous meetings)
Light Refreshments will be served and parking vouchers will be taken care of for the garage.

Friday, September 28 - CSTA Virginia Conference: http://vacsta.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/csta_brochure.pdf

Saturday, October 20, 9am - Bootstrap Workshop: http://bit.ly/bootstrapNV

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Upcoming FREE Workshop

Bootstrap will be offering a FREE teacher workshop that will help you teach your students to Program, mathematically on June 9th in Washington, D.C.  For more information, please visit: http://www.bootstrapworld.org/ and to register, please visit: http://bit.ly/bootstrapDC.

It's Official!

We are officially a CSTA Chapter!  We have been accepted as a local chapter - The Computer Science Teacher's Association of Northern Virginia. 

Our chapter was founded with the mission: The CSTA of Northern Virginia is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines in Northern Virginia. It provides opportunities for K-12 teachers and students to better understand computing disciplines and to more successfully prepare themselves to teach and to learn.

Our first official meeting as a chapter will be on Friday, June 15 at 4:30 pm at George Mason University.  More details will be posted as we get closer to the date.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Upcoming Events of Interest

Scratch Day:

On Saturday, May 19th, 2012, an open workshop covering the Scratch programming language (http://scratch.mit.edu/) will be given at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Virginia. Food, prizes and fun for all! We will have three concurrent Scratch workshops for kids, teens, and teachers.

Paul Bui, computer science teacher at Washington-Lee High School, will offer a workshop for High School and Middle School teachers in using Scratch in computer science education. Recertification points will be given for this workshop. Interested teachers should contact Jeff Elkner (jeff@elkner.net) if they plan to attend this workshop.
Who:     Everyone
When:  Saturday, May 19, 2012 - 10:00am (4 hours)
What:    Scratch Day Workshop
Where: Washington-Lee High School
1301 N Stafford Street
Arlington, Virginia
Cost:      Free

MIT CS4HS Creative Computing Workshop

August 8-11, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Meeting - May 5, 2012

Who: You (and all people interested in CS Education that you know)
What: NVCSTA Meeting
When: Saturday, May 5 at 10am
Where: GMU - 4201 Nguyen Engineering Building (we are working on getting parking vouchers)
Why: to form the charter for our chapter and plan the year's events

If you have any questions, please contact Ann at awdrobnis@fcps.edu.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting Started

The Northern Virginia CSTA Chapter is being formed in the Spring of 2012. This website will serve as a resource for the Chapter Members and interested parties in Northern Virginia.